and what a great idea to make a bouquet of these cookie pops for my friend Joni, since the kids ate all of her cupcakes :)
In the process of making the cookie pops I learned some valuable lessons.....
Lesson #1....if you want to make something, do a little research on what worked for others
(had to disassemble cookie to put stick in....dipped stick in melted chocolate)
Lesson #2....if I had done the researching I may have found out that double stuffed Oreos are probably easier to make pops with.
(let the chocolate inside harden before you dip the cookie)
Lesson #3....when trying to reassemble the cookie....don't use any pressure or you will crack the cookie...
(again, I wouldn't have had to disassemble the cookie if I'd done my research!)(I used a foam block to stand my pops up until the chocolate dried)
Lesson #5....Good friends don't care if your project didn't turn out perfectly!!
Happy (Belated) Birthday Joni :)
And remember guys, try double stuffed Oreos, or see what has worked for others because I still haven't done my research :)